On April 17, 2024 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) was given the go ahead to move forward with their proposed plans for recycling in Colorado. How they will implement these plans is still not entirely clear. Many households are already asking when Colorado will start free recycle programs under EPR.
The HB22-1355 bill was initially signed in 2022, as a means to provide no cost recycling access to all Coloradans. CDPHE has now designated the nonprofit organization Circular Action Alliance (CAA) to manage the statewide program, funded through producer dues. Prior to submitting their plan approval due February 2025, CAA must gather insight and assessments in regards to recycling services currently provided, and the states needs that are not being met. The oversite goals are many, including the need to provide a list of minimum recyclable materials; materials that are most commonly recycled and must be made available for convenient collection (as in collected the same as general trash); with minimum target rates (Colorado General Assembly, 2022).
Let me be clear, the plans, goals and rates are all up in the air for now, we don't have the information yet, and will take years to implement. Currently, weekly meetings over zoom are being held by CAA to inform producers, haulers, and those effected, as well as to garner feedback and suggestions, and I am personally attending each one as a hauler to gain as much information as possible (Circular Action Alliance, 2024).
Under the EPR, the organization (CAA), as the advisory board, will oversee the producer responsibility program. Producers are required to join the Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), which will fund and manage the end life of materials, which includes: collection, processing, and recycling or composting. These acronyms are in abundance! Producers are to register in each of the states they participate in, and must be registered by October 1, 2024. CAA is to report to CDPHE those in compliance, or not, for any compliance actions. By January 1, 2026 these producers must pay first dues (Circular Action Alliance, 2024). This is the first major steps moving forward.
Following this, and establishing the collection of dues, CAA is also to establish a formula to reimburse 100% of the recycling costs for private and public recycling service providers. Providers , or haulers like Carefree Disposal, can opt-in to the program for 100% reimbursement for cost of all recycling services that cover collection of materials under the minimal recycling list, as well as for outreach and education to the public. This is to be covered by the fees and dues under the PRO, overseen by the non-profit CAA (Colorado General Assembly, 2022).
Now, how they will formulate this, or what they will do as far as establishing fair rates and keeping the processors from increasing rates we will wait to see. Remember, they are saying they will reimburse for services, at the rate they deem is an acceptable rate. The collection of minimal recyclables will be free for the public, as long as the hauler has opted in to the program. They also hope to provide more "satellite" facilities that can collect items that are not on the minimum recyclable list, but are still able to be diverted from the landfill, such as: televisions and electronics.
Again, all of these plans, discussions, and implementation are not expected to be finalized until closer to 2026, and then modified on an ongoing basis through 2035. For more information please visit these sites that have great information to shift through, as well as the documentation below created by Recycling for All Coloradans. https://www.recyclingforallcoloradans.org/facts
Circular Action Alliance. (2024, August 12). Circular Action Alliance Colorado Faq. Retrieved from Circular Action Alliance: https://circularactionalliance.org/circular-action-alliance-colorado#faq
Colorado General Assembly. (2022). Producer Responsibility Program For Recycling. Retrieved 2024, from State of Colorado Legislature: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb22-1355
Fact Sheets for HB22-1355. (n.d.). Retrieved from Support Recycling for all Coloradans: https://www.recyclingforallcoloradans.org/facts